International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: [1] Darshini Madanagopal [2] S.Thenmozhi
Pages: 151-153
Numerous factors have been identified as predictors of Academic performance of students. Among these factors, Locus of control has been established to be strongly related to Academic success. However, the exact nature of this relationship is not fully explained. The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between Academic Locus of control and Academic performance and the mediating role of Metacognitive self regulation. Data from 181 students University students was collected. The Academic Locus of Control Scale and the Self Regulation subscale of the Metacognition Awareness Inventory was used to quantify the Academic Locus of Control and Metacognitive Self Regulation respectively of the students. Data was analysed using regression and correlation analysis. The results indicate that Metacognitive self regulation partially mediates the relationship between Academic Locus of Control and Academic performance. Students who had high Internal Locus of control, more actively used metacogntive strategies in their learning process and this was reflected in their academic performance.
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