International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: Shruti Pandey, Dr. Yogendra Pandey
Pages: 143-146
Education provides a base of development to a country. As per Universal Declaration of Human Rights, education is a fundamental right for all including learners with special educational needs. A prevailing concern in inclusion of special educational needs is lack of access to education for both children and adults with special educational needs. Literature review reveals the fact that it is hard to identify those students who are not visible special educational needs, unstructured strategies and approaches are the significant barriers to access, equity, enrollment and participation into mainstream. In addition to this unprofessional attitudes of in-service and pre-service teachers, inadequate use of technology to support inclusive education are the significant cause of slower inclusion rates at primary, secondary and higher education levels. The aim of present study is to find out the problems and strategies to facilitate inclusive education among learners with special educational needs. As in the present scenario the most exigent and influential issues in implementing inclusive education are student accessibility, drop-outs, identification, assessment, societal attitudes, teachers attitude , flexible and adaptive as well as functional curriculum within the learning system toward special educational needs. This study also focuses on current and past scenario of inclusive education for better learning and also it provides a clear insight about the various problems and suggests the strategies to develop better inclusive educational practices for learners with special educational needs
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