International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: [1] B. Razia [2] Nabi Ahmad
Pages: 137-142
Academic achievement is one of the important goals of education and affected by number of correlated factors including Emotional intelligence and Socio-economic status of adolescents. Researchers concluded that Emotional intelligence can predict academic success better than traditional measures of intelligence .The study aims to predict Academic achievement of adolescents with the help of independent variables Emotional intelligence and Socio-economic status. The research was carried out on a sample of 292 adolescents studying in class XI of Aligarh district. Standardized scales were used to collect the data which was analyzed by applying Mean (M), Standard Deviation (SD), t-test, Product Moment Correlation and Multiple Regression Analysis. Results indicate that significant gender differences exist in adolescents on the measure of Emotional intelligence however no significant differences were found between male and female adolescents on the measure of Socioeconomic status and Academic achievement. Significant correlation was found among all the three variables under study. Socioeconomic status and Emotional intelligence together brought 18.4% variance in Academic achievement indicating the importance of Emotional intelligence and Socio-economic status in predicting Academic achievement of adolescents.
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