International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: [1] Philip, Diana Lil [2] Pujari, Jayanti
Pages: 81-84
Children having Autism with Intellectual disabilities have deficits in development and extreme overt behavior, along with marked social deficits are considered a prominent trait of this combination of multiple disabilities . Using ICTbased social story intervention could have a stronger impact versus the conventional methods of social training. Video modeling is regarded as a novel ICT based medium for the purpose of demonstrating behavioral patterns. It can be an appropriate form of proving such positive behavioral support. Present study throws light on exploring sustainable models like video modeling as an ICT based options for sustaining learning patterns. The study was probed into the feasibility and effectiveness of video modeling as a prospective medium of social stories intervention for the children with Multiple Disabilities in special school setup. Data was generated through a questionnaire from 50 trained special educators of Delhi- NCR region who were selected through nonprobability purposive sampling procedure. Both qualitative and quantitative data analysis was done on the basis of research questions. The findings were that- (a) 74% participants used Social story intervention; (b) 89% participants accepted videomodeling as a viable option; and (c) 71% participants feel that provision of procurement of video modeling has to be sought. The t-score shows no significant difference on the responses on the basis of gender and years of experience.
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