International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: Shruti Pandey
Pages: 34-37
Inclusive education can be referred as the opportunity towards building an inclusive society for a diverse group of learners. The process of inclusion requires building the right environment to strengthen the capacities of the learners with special educational needs, regardless of their difficulties or differences. Inclusive schools must be acquainted with the diverse needs of the students, ensuring quality education through a flexible curriculum, organizational arrangements and teaching strategies. The Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education also recommended that inclusive education should provide the best opportunity for the majority of children with disabilities to receive education in urban as well as rural areas. There is an emergent need of policy implementation, to prepare the school system for inclusive education, with an intension that all children have the right to attend school in a least restrictive environment and the responsibility of the school is to accommodate differences among children with special needs . An attempt has been made in this paper to justify the problems in implementation of inclusive education due to the structural barriers of school environment.
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